I can't run marathons or swim across seas (a gentle jog in my own time, or a paddle in the shallow end, mayyybe)
but what I CAN DO do is paint nails for hours on end without going cross eyed.
When I saw the Nailing Mental Health campaign popping up on different social media feeds, I decided to book a flight from Berlin to London and join the good cause.
24 hours, one group chat, a flight, and 2 car journeys later, I'd made a few new beauty biz friends and we set off to attempt breaking a world record!
On 2nd April 2017, myself and 300+ nail techs joined Stephanie Staunten by O2 London to help raise money and awareness for Mind charity.
Before the nail marathon at The Intercontinental Hotel, O2 London
6078 manicures in 8 hours can be done!
... but not this time. Unfortunately, the Guinness World Record wasn't broken as not enough people came through the doors but but BUT.....
The event raised over £12,000 in total with peoples generous donations throughout the day.
I'd say we smashed it. Stephanie smashed it. Round of applause for the beginning of nailing mental health, please!
The techs that made it to the end of the day!
Until the next nail marathon (there are whispers of another in September) you can find me in Berlin, doing the nail thing...